Let’s Make Music!

 In 5 to 13 year olds, News and events

On Wednesday 13th Novenber the 5s to 13s focus children and their befrienders were invited on a magical musical journey with Peter Brown, Project Co-ordinator at Winnall Rock School.

Peter bought a wonderful variety of musical instruments for the children and adults to play. Some were familiar to us such as guitars, ukalales and tambourines but there were also some that were not so familiar such as a steel tongue drum, cabassas and juju sticks!

During the session the children and adults were invited to explore the instruments and encouraged to make as many different sounds as could. There was some initial reticence to begin with but after a few minutes everyone was enjoying the experience.

Peter then invited everyone to listen to the silence before playing their instruments as group. He encouraged us to listen to the other players sounds too and soon we found that we were beginning to play in time with each other! The sound was amazing and the children really enjoyed sharing the different instruments.

One focus child went straight home and told his mum that he had played a guitar at the workshop and would like to learn to play it properly. She has said that she has a friend who plays so will try and facilitate some lessons for him!