Refer a family
Questions about referring?
Call 01962 864466
If you are a professional and considering referring a family to Friends of the Family – talk to us. We are always happy to discuss a referral first to see if we are the right organisation to offer support. Please ensure you have the family’s consent before getting in touch.
If you are a family member or a concerned friend looking for advice then please find more information on needing support.
Why refer a family to us?
Friends of the Family offers confidential and non-judgemental support tailored to individual families who are facing adversity. Our services include therapeutic provision and befriending, both of which complement the work of other agencies a family may be involved with. By working together, we help families discover their own strengths and in turn find their own solutions to problems they are facing.
We have rigorous safeguarding procedures in place that underpin our work with children and families. To find out more please read our Safeguarding and Protection Policy
One of our referrers told us…
“Friends of the Family are now supporting a few of our families and they are saying how much they enjoy their group sessions. They are benefitting so much from your team and we all wanted to say a big thank you. The work you are doing is invaluable and hearing such positive feedback from our families is wonderful.”
Refer a family
Referring a family is simple. We have basic referral criteria, but we treat each inquiry individually. It is vital that the support we offer is right for the families and children referred to us. We therefore suggest you contact us first to discuss your referral in more detail. You can do this by calling us on 01962 864466, emailing or by completing the form below.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to complete a full referral, please use download and complete the relevant form below.