
Help us make a positive difference to the children and parents we work with. Your donations are vital for continuing the support we offer to families in Winchester and its surrounding villages. Check out the ways you can contribute.

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Donate through the Friends of the Family JustGiving page

Don’t forget to say YES to Gift Aid if you can, which allows us to claim 25p for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you!


Become a Friend – give regularly

Friends support our work with regular donations, helping us to keep costs down and plan ahead. That in turn allows us to keep the trust with our families, confident that we will be here for them whenever they need us. Read more…

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Please make cheques payable to “Friends of the Family Winchester” and send to us at 16 Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please complete a Gift Aid declaration and send it with your cheque.

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You could also help our work by leaving a legacy in your will. If you don’t yet have a will, we recommend you take appropriate legal advice. provides an official database of legal professionals to help you find a local solicitor.

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Make retail therapy count by shopping via and specifying “Friends of the Family” as your chosen charity. Every time you shop online you can raise funds for us at no extra cost to yourself. Since 2009 over £5,000 has been raised by our supporters – so get shopping!


There are lots of ways you can help raise the funds we need to continue improving the outlook for families facing adversity in and around Winchester.

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Our benefactors

Our heartfelt thanks goes to all those who have donated to our work over the years. Read more about our benefactors

Quotes - Winchester charity
  • “As a self funded charity we value every donation, which allows us to continue the vital support for families and children in and around Winchester.”

    Chris, Chair of Trustees, Friends of the Family

Your support can really help!

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£10 provides training materials for one 5s to 13s befriender

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£25 provides a venue and refreshments for a parent workshop

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£30 provides a month’s supply of healthy snacks for children in the mums and young children group

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£50 provides a focus child with a volunteer befriender for one month

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£120 provides six one-to-one counselling sessions for a struggling parent

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£400 provides two days training for a group of 5s to 13s befriending volunteers