Need support?
Are you finding family life stressful? Overwhelmed by your responsibilities as a parent? Struggling to cope with your child and feeling isolated? Talk to us, we may be able to help.
If you are a professional wanting to make a referral, learn more about how to refer a family.

How can we help?
Depending on your individual situation, we can offer you and your children, aged 0- 13 years, friendly, non-judgmental support in a variety of ways:
A mum with a baby or toddler?
Then our therapeutic support group for mums and young children may be right for you.

Parent with school children aged 5 to 13 years?
Our 5s to 13s befriending service could be exactly what you need.

A dad with children aged 0 to 13 years, looking for some one-to-one support?
Then you might benefit from our support for dads service.

Who do we support?
We offer services to children and families who live in Winchester and its surrounding villages. Our families and their children need support with a variety of issues. These often include isolation, low self-esteem, mental or physical illness and relationship difficulties.
Why choose us?
Our holistic approach enables us to match our services to you and your children’s individual needs. We provide long-term support that is consistent but flexible. Our aim is to work with you to help you find your own strengths, resolve the issues you face and feel more confident to move forward more positively.
Read what some of our mums with young children, 5s to 13s families and dads say about working with us.
Who can refer a family?
Anyone. Families may refer themselves or occasionally a concerned friend will make contact on their behalf. Most of our children and their families are referred by other professionals, such as a health visitor, GP, school nurse, or teacher.

How do families get referred?
Each of our services has basic criteria for accepting referrals, but we would much rather chat through your individual needs with you or a referrer first. This helps us get a clear picture of your family’s needs and how we might best be able to help. If our services aren’t right for your family, we will always try and connect you to other services that may be better placed to support you.
Once your referral is accepted, the manager of the service you have been matched to will telephone and arrange to visit you and your family in your own home. During this initial visit they will talk to you in more depth about your family’s needs and assess how best to support you and your children. You will then be given information about next steps.