Remember us in your Will

Your legacy can make a difference by helping us to provide befriending, counselling and bespoke support to local Winchester families facing hardships.

When the time is right for you to consider leaving a gift to a charity in your will, by remembering Friends of the Family you will be sustaining and supporting local families facing difficult circumstances for years to come.

As a small charity who have been making a big difference to local families for over 30 years, a gift left in your will is an easy and cost-effective way to ensure we can continue to support our community long into the future.

We highly recommend that you speak to a solicitor to ensure your wishes are enacted effectively. All you need is the following information, and they can guide you through the necessary steps.

Charity name: Friends of the Family Winchester Ltd
Charity address: 16 Colebrook Street, Winchester, SO23 9LH
Charity number: 1143462

If you are considering Friends of the Family as part of your legacy – thank you. Please do reach out to our team to let us know or to find out more. We’d love to hear from you.

Contact: Jo Smith, Operations Director

01962 864466

Legacy Action Week: 7-13 April

Access to events where you can get free practical advice on Will-making, probate and legal matters. So if you’re thinking about leaving a donation in your Will, you’ll be in the right place at the right time.
More details to follow

Your legacy will help us support families who are facing tough times.


A mum who is stuck at home with her baby daughter, feeling isolated and scared, needs to know that when she comes to our Tuesday group she won’t be judged or criticised or told what to do, but she will be heard and encouraged. And if she can’t make it this Tuesday, we will still be here next Tuesday – and the Tuesday after that.

  • After seeing my counsellor my scars are starting to heal. He has helped me find my confidence and I now look at life differently. My saying now is 'onwards and upwards'. I now enjoy being me.


A boy needs to know that no matter how angry he is with his mum or how badly he has been bullied by the boys in his class, his befriender comes every Thursday afternoon, and they always have a good time together, even if it is just walking the dog or going for a hot chocolate in town. And, if he wants to talk, his befriender will always listen.