The Fast Lane Challenge
28 September saw a fantastic fundraising challenge, putting a runner and swimmer head to head in aid of Friends of the Family and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.
We had a great time supporting the athletes!
The challenge was for the runners to run a half marathon while the swimmer swam 5km (the swimming equivalent to the half marathon).
A friendly but competitive rivalry meant the contest was keenly fought. We knew the finish would be tight and in the end there was less than a minute in it, with the runner pipping the swimmer to the post.
Thank you to runners Justin, Bracken and Dave of Winchester Running Club and swimmer Cathy of Winchester City Swimming Club for putting in a huge effort on our behalf!
And thank you to the team at Pangea Insurance Brokers for slaving over a hot BBQ to provide very welcome bacon butties for the supporters.
The amount raised was over £2,190 with Friends of the Family and Hampshire and IOW Ambulance both benefitting.

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