Friends of the Family has welcomed three new volunteers who have recently trained to become befrienders with the charity’s 5s to 13s befriending service. All from Winchester, the new volunteers have backgrounds in family and child support and are keen to use their experience to benefit children in the local area.
The June training course gave the volunteers an in-depth understanding of the befriending role and the benefits of the befriending service to both the child and the child’s family. Topics covered included: safeguarding, confidentiality, boundaries and communication skills. Participants were also able to meet one of the charity’s current volunteers, Sally Falconer, who gave an in-depth insight into the role and talked about the variety of activities she undertakes with the child she befriends.
Commenting on why she applied for the course, Katherine New, who has over 30 years’ experience in childcare said: “I was very keen to do some volunteer work alongside my current job and I was particularly interested in volunteering with children. This role seemed perfect as it will enable me to use my experience to support a local family and it fits in with my work commitments.”
Sam Hunt, 5s to 13s Befriending Manager, said: “We are very lucky to have three new volunteers who all have extensive experience of supporting children and families. They will be a huge asset to our charity and a great addition to our volunteer befriending team.”
Friends of the Family is running its next befriender training course in October. To find out more, email or tel 01962 864466.