Volunteer Training with Jennie Miller
On Wednesday 12th June seventeen FOTF volunteers had the opportunity to undertake a three hour training session with psychotherapist, trainer, supervisor and author Jennie Miller PTSTA (P), CTA, MSc on the fascinating subject of Transactional Analysis (TA). Jennie introduced the model of TA to help us recognise and understand the three different ego states; Parent, Adult and Child. Then through group discussion and visualisation she helped us to explore how these ego states affect our behaviour and impact on our personal and professional boundaries. It was a fascinating subject that gave everyone food for thought about their own boundaries and expectations.
One volunteer said “It was a fascinating course which has really made me think about myself and how I respond to others” and another said “Thank you for yesterday’s learning opportunity. I thought it was very thought provoking and I feel I left with the tools to understand my personal boundary setting process and therefore set boundaries that work for me in life and relationships.”
Jennie who is relocating to Scotland said “I’ve been aware of FOPTF for sometime as I’ve seen the work they do when I’ve been working at The Meeting House in Winchester. Any help that struggling families can have is such a wonderful idea and hopefully means less will need my service later on.”
We are very grateful to Jennie who generously donated her time for this training for free as a gift to Friends of the Family.