Our AGM, on 4th November, marked the retirement of Viv Wheeler as Chair of Trustees, after eight years of dedicated service. We are thrilled that Viv will remain a trustee of Friends of the [...]
Friends of the Family held its AGM at St Peter’s Parish Centre, Winchester, on 4 November which was attended by the Mayor of Winchester, Councillor Eleanor Bell, as well as past and present [...]
Thank you to everyone who supported our two most recent fundraising events. We are thrilled to report that our table-top sale raised just over £600 and our Quiz Night raised a whopping £2,430! A [...]
We would like to give a warm welcome to our new volunteers, Sarah, Carmel, Peter, Ian and Fern, who all completed our 5s to 13s Befriender training course this month and passed with flying [...]
Friends of the Family has welcomed five new volunteers to its 5s to 13s Befriending team after they all successfully completed the charity’s two-day training course this month. Following a [...]