In memory of Bishop John Dennis, Patron, 1931 – 2020
It is with much sadness that we have to report the recent death of our Patron, Bishop John Dennis, who passed away on 13th April, at the age of 88.
Bishop John joined our Board of Trustees as Vice Chair in 2006 and was elected to the role of Chair in 2009. His wife Dorothy, who sadly passed away in February of this year, also aged 88, was a volunteer with our Mums and Young Children group, which gave him an insight into our work with vulnerable families.
Bishop John was influential in the development of our 5s to 13s Befriending Service, working alongside former trustee Pamela Peskett and current trustee Chrissie Morse. Together, they appointed Sam Hunt, 12 years ago, who is still managing the service today. Bishop John was also instrumental in the appointment of Colette Dunford, the Project Leader of our Mums and Young Children group.
After stepping down from the role of Chair, Bishop John continued to support Friends of the Family, becoming our Patron in 2012.
We all remember John with affection for his dedication, sense of humour and sensitivity. He was a keen and valued supporter of our work and a great friend. He will be sadly missed.