PRESS RELEASE: Volunteer befriending opportunity in Winchester
Winchester-based charity, Friends of the Family, has an opportunity for local men and women who would like to undertake voluntary work with children. The charity’s 5s to 13s Befriending Service has been providing volunteer befrienders to local children for over 10 years and is inviting applications for its next two-day training course, taking place in Winchester this October.
Once trained, volunteers spend two hours a week befriending a local child who is in need of support and friendship. Training is free and will equip volunteers with the skills and knowledge needed to undertake the role. In addition to free training, volunteers receive paid travel expenses, regular supervision, opportunities for ad-hoc further training to enhance their skills and the chance to share their experiences with other befrienders at regular volunteer get-togethers.
Sam Hunt, 5s to 13s Befriending Manager at Friends of the Family, said: “We would love to hear from anyone over the age of 23 who enjoys spending time with children. If you have a caring and non-judgemental nature and would like to make a difference to a child’s life then please get in touch.”
To apply for the next befriender training course, email or call Lisa Travers on 01962 864466. Go to to find out more about Friends of the Family’s work supporting families across the Winchester district.