Games workshop for 5s to 13s focus children
Friends of the Family held their first children’s workshop for 18 months on Thursday 7th October at the Salvation Army Hall.
The 5s to 13s focus children had a great time playing a variety of fun games and activities with their befrienders including Twister, Table Tennis, Connect 4 and of course FOTF’s favourite game Uno!
The children and their befrienders were also provided with a wonderful teatime picnic of fruit, wraps and mini chocolate treats.
Volunteer befriender, Anne said “Thanks for organising a lovely workshop, my lad loved it and I enjoyed meeting the other volunteers too. It was much appreciated.”
Sam Hunt, 5s to 13s Befriending Manager said “It was so good to be able to provide a children’s workshop after such a long time. It was great to see the children and volunteers engaging so positively with each other face to face again!”